Park Rules

RV Park Fees

The The Freeman Community Club (FCC) administers the Freeman RV Park and we have a few simple, common sense rules to follow.

$35.00 PER DAY
$175.00 PER WEEK *
$525.00 PER MONTH
*Week rate is 7 days for price of 5 days


  1. Full hookups are included in this fee.  If you are here for and extended stay, please call one of the individuals listed below.
  2. Advanced payments are required for camping by calling Randy Alvord at 816-509-5095. On short stays where arriving late at night, the self-check  in box on the south side of the park should be used immediately upon arrival. The park stays full at most times of the year. Prior reservations made through the park manager super cedes any self checking in process in the event of a conflict.”
  3. RV’s are limited to a 6 (six) month stay.  Thereafter, RV’s must be removed from the park for a minimum of 30 days before returning.  Time Limit Exceptions may be permitted and granted by the FCC membership upon special request.
  4. Payment envelopes are provided at the shelter on the south side of the park.  Please include your name, address, vehicle license number/state and site number.  A deposit box for payment envelopes is also located under the shelter.
  5. RV’s are to be parked headed south as park is designed.  NO VEHCILES ARE ALLOWED TO PARK IN THE GRASS.
  6. One vehicle may be parked with RV on the site.  Extra vehicles must be parked on gravel parking area at west end of the park but not blocking Exit or additional sites.  Trailers, other than RV’s must also be parked at the west end.
  7. ABSOLUTLY no unattended or unleased outside pets.  Waste from pets must be disposed of properly.
  8. Please place all garbage in designated dumpsters located in the park.
  9. Extended stay vehicles should be in good physical condition in order to maintain respectful appearance of the park.
  10. Nothing shall be put on the grass that may damage the grass, such as rugs or boxes.
  11. Keep campsite neat and clean at all times and in such a way that it does not look like a permanent residence.
  12. Do not leave water supply hoses connected to the water hydrant during cold weather due to potential freezing and breaking of the hydrants.  Please contact the FCC and heat tape will be installed to prevent freezing.
  13. All winterizing including heat tape and under skirting shall not be present from May 15 to November 1.
  14. The Freeman Community Club reserves the right to evaluate the appearance of any RV and/or campsite, and evict anyone whom the club feels is not in compliance with the rules and conditions listed above.
  15. Contact List
    Randy Alvord – 816-509-5095
    Phil Needham – 816-704-0368